Tuesday, March 20, 2012

26/26 Project

Oooh, this picture is the most interesting thing i've ever drawn :DDDDD

"A" for "Ant" on "Apple"; an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
"B" for "Banana", one of my friends who is easy to cry. (Ooops :P)
"C" for "Cat" with "Cookies"; which make me think of the days in Douliou.
"D" for "Dot"; dots are cute :)
"E" for "Eyes"; there still are some things we cannot see.
"F" for "Fast food", not healthy but delicious enough.
"G" for "Green", my favorite color.
"H" for "Home" or "Hug"; both of them make people feel safe and complete.
"I" for "Ice cream"; have you ever dipped french fries into ice cream before eating them? (it's delicious. i promise.)
"J" for "Journal"; i read a lot of them during my internship =__=
"K" for "Kid"'s "Kiss", purest thing in the world.
"L" for "Love"; love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude; love never ends <3
"M" for "Monica", who and i have (at least) 100 common friends on facebook.
"N" for "Night", when we can see stars on sky.
"O" for "Occupational Therapy", one of my biggest decisions in my whole life.
"P" for "Prairie"; i love prairie for its color :P
"Q" for "Question"; there're so many things we don't know how to deal with.
"R" for "Rain"; rain is not welcomed in a wonderful excursion day, but rain does let seeds sprout, on the other hand.
"S" for Mr."Sun" with "Smile"; i always want to start a new journey when i see the sun.
"T" for "Tears", which also can make our hearts grow stronger, just like the rain.
"U" for "Umbrella"; we need it when it's raining.
"V" for "Village", where we met cute people and pretty scenery.
"W" for "Wind"; although we cannot see it, we can feel it.
"X" for "X-ray"; i'd rather not to have any other chances to x-ray in the rest of my life haha.
"Y" for "Yellow", a song composed by Coldplay.
"Z" for "Zoo", where my families spent many of our weekends during my childhood.

Every little thing seems so important for me.


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